2024-8-27 Reunion Committee Meeting Notes
Attending at Ellen’s: Ellen Forbes, Lydia Parker, Debbie Rosch, Laura Lovick, Frank Vaccariello
Welcome Laura Lovick to the committee
How do we get more people involved?
  • There isn’t a whole lot of work to be done, just looking for people with fresh ideas and knowledge of event facilities the current committee might not be aware of.
  • Looking for different perspectives. (ex: Laura reminded us that even though the more formal formats we used in the past might not have worked then, let’s ask people if it might work better now. – part of survey)
  • Ask people who have specific skills to help with specific tasks. See Frank’s Wish List below.
  • I also shared the Google Sheets link on the Facebook Reunion Committee group page.
  • Lydia suggested crosschecking the email list against who is on our Facebook group and page.
Discussed time of year and format/venue
  • Both of these will become more clear after the survey has been sent out. (see plan of action below)
We still want to stick to this basic format.
Friday: Golf (Frank will reach out to Shawn Cline)
Friday evening – (winery?) There were many suggestions for the Friday night venue.
Building Tour – (Frank will reach out to Jeff Cobb to ask for help on identifying who to contact)
Saturday Evening – Main Event
  • Discussed possible formats and venues
  • Survey going out soon
Decided not to repeat the scholarship we did for our 35-year reunion. We now sponsor a hole every year (since the beginning 3 years ago) at the RHS Alumni Association Golf Outing. Proceeds from that go to the Alumni annual scholarship fund. The committee felt we would do more good with our money that way.
What name badges need to be reprinted?
  • A minor thing I wanted to make sure was on the list.
  • Good to know Laura works for a printer and can help with future printing needs.
Sell SWAG again? Yes
Add a new design? No (wait until our 50th, so warn Vicky early)
  • Frank will reopen the SWAG shop on the website. Will promote it in future emails to the class and on social media.
Part of email (but not this first one)
  • Get more lifetime members from class of 80 in Alumni Association
    • At least get them on the mailing list
Frank’s Wishlist
  • Anybody who can back me up on the website/SM/Email? 
  • help writing a small article for each HOF member
  • quick write up on each of our previous reunions* (make it a memory kind of group project)
  • In Memoriam: research dates of death. (birth?) (great project for a retired librarian)
    • I found the paperwork Ellen mentioned. I will need some help transferring those to the main class database. We can at least start with the existing In Memoriam list.
  • Area Hotel List (we decided this is once we determine where we’ll have it and if it is truly necessary)
Plan of Action
  • Frank creates a survey to email to the class list. (already prepared and, I think, approved by this group.)
  • Frank creates an email to send to class (137 contacts) Wednesday, August 7 and share to social media.
    • Will circulate to the committee before sending. 
  • Email will contain:
    • Link to survey (I will put a Friday, August 16 deadline on survey responses.)
    • Ask for help
    • Promote website
Did I miss anything? (other than to compliment the wonderful meal from Dino’s)