60th Birthday Party Weekend!

September 23 & 24, 2022

Golf, Winery, School Tour, Party
Raffles to be held on Saturday Night

Saturday, September 24

Class 60th Birthday Party 7 – Midnight
Firehouse Grille and Pub – Willoughby Hills
Buy Your Ticket Here

$20 include Appetizers/Pop/Cake (or cupcakes or cookies)/DJ on Duty
(chicken fingers, potato skins, sausage and peppers, nachos bar)

Join us in the back party room where we’ll have appetizers (refilled throughout the evening), our own cash bar, 50/50 Raffle, and plenty of memorabilia from our years together at Riverside and our years after.

Don’t forget to grab your name tag.

We will have the party room and the ability to overflow into the rest of the bar and patio.

You can also stop in for dinner on your own before or during.

Riverside Building Tour – 1P
Riverside High School Campus
Please let us know your interest at the Facebook event set up for this.

Friday, September 23

Golf Outing- Noon
Painesville Country Club
$37.25 for 18 Holes and Cart
RSVP to Shawn Cline at 440-415-2285, Sjc1062@yahoo.com, or Messenger

Winery Gathering – 6 – 10P
Chalet Debonne Vineyards in Madison
We’ll have a few tables reserved. Please let us know your interest at the Facebook event set up for this.


Still Working On!

Unfortunately, Homecoming ended up being September 30, but we will try to have a good showing from the Class of 1980 in the Alumni Band.

Don’t forget your SWAG

We have tees and tanks, sweaters and hoodies, and coffee mugs adorned with a design by classmate Vicki Hinz DeJoy.

They are all reasonably priced and a small proceed from each sale goes to the class for various expenses and a scholarship we award during reunion years.

Be properly attired for our party weekend!

Get your SWAG here!